We Interrupt This Broadcast: The Events That Stopped Our Lives...from the Hindenburg Explosion to the Attacks of September 11 by Joe Garner (HC/DJ W/Audio CDs)
Few phrases garner as much attention as "We Interrupt This Broadcast..."Wherever we may happen to be, our lives stop for a moment, and we experience those few seconds of anxiety between the interruption and the actual announcement of what has happened.
In words and images, We Interrupt This Broadcast brings to life the famous and infamous moments that were announced to us with those four chilling words.
From the dawn of electronic media to today, from the catastrophe of the Hindenburg to the tragic events of September 11, 2001, these are the forty-three events that stopped us in our tracks and changed our world.
We Interrupt This Broadcast recounts the details of the events and spotlights the photographs that tell the stories. Accompanying the book are two digitally mastered compact discs containing over two hours of audio from the events, narrated by award-winning journalist Bill Kurtis.
These heart-stopping moments include both the famous words you remember and rare audio footage that will take you back into the magnitude of the event. Share with your friends, family, children and grandchildren your memories of where you were when the world stopped and held its breath in anticipation.