Davy Loves His Mommy + Happy Birthday, Davy by Brigitte Weninger (Ex-Library HC/DJ)

Davy Loves His Mommy + Happy Birthday, Davy by Brigitte Weninger (Ex-Library HC/DJ)

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Davy Loves His Mommy

A hoppy Mother’s Day tale!

When Davy’s mom gets upset with him for being late for diner, he’s determined to make things right with the perfect Mother’s Day gift. But when Davy decides that the best gift of all would be five well-behaved bunnies, he has his work is cut out for him. Can he and his siblings clean up and mind their manners in time for the big day?

Happy Birthday, Davy

Davy is counting the days until his birthday. It seems like such a long wait! He is so excited, he can hardly sit still when Father Rabbit tells a story about a lucky little rabbit who had three wishes that all came true. Davy decides that if he had three wishes, he'd wish for someone who would tell him stories whenever he wanted, someone who would teach him new games, and someone who always had plenty of time to spend with him. Davy's birthday finally arrives and with it comes a big surprise present--too big to be wrapped--that makes all of Davy's wishes come true and his birthday the happiest one ever.This new adventure featuring Davy and the Rabbit family shows that love is the best gift of all.